About us


MTM University was founded in 2021 by a well experienced and active master trader by the name of Anyae. Anyae is a man of God, a devoted husband, a father of 4 & volunteer worker. Anyae worked for the US Department of Homeland Security for 14 years until the negative affects of the workplace drastically affected his health and forced him into an early medical retirement at the early age of 37. Being the soul financial provider for his family for so many years & suddenly not being able to work was devastating & a scary reality. Not having an answer in mind while battling severe health conditions Anyae turned to God for a solution to continue supporting his family financially while also being able to find wellness for his health. The answer came in the form of Binary Options Trading from home. Anyae then went on a EXHILARATING LIFE CHANGING DAY TO DAY JOURNEY working to master Binary Options Trading or Time Exchange trading as he’s coined it. He learned that trading Time Exchange is a deep science that was about much more than just making money but it was more about one’s mental and personal development while on the journey to become a master trader. Anyae continuously exposed the many benefits of trading to everyone he knew and for those who were willing to learn he took time daily to educate & mentor them. Until one day it hit him that this SUPER SKILLSET has to be introduced and taught thoroughly but simplified to MANY MORE than just the small group he had but this had to be introduced to the whole world. So he started documenting many different aspects of his journey and those that he taught already to find a way to simplify this deep science so that even a fifth grader could easily understand and apply the knowledge learned. So from there MTM University was created. MTM University is a unique Time Exchange Trading school & ecosystem. We specialize in teaching “Time Exchange Trading” on the Foreign Exchange Market. The purpose of this platform and our support system is to take you from the beginner Time Exchange Trader stage to a consistent self sufficient profitable Master Trader. We provide Mindset Education, Technical Analysis Education, Trading Coaching and Mentorship through our Ecosystem.

Meet our Professor


Why Choose us


There are very few Trading platforms globally that deal with this unique trading type (Time Exchange/Binary options) within the Foreign Exchange Market. No entity breaks Time Exchange Trading down to an in-depth simplified science like we do here on MTM University. Even fewer platforms provide a 24/7 365 daily support group where the face of the platform is present daily as we do. No platform around provides an evolutionary Ultimate Trading Playbook (the Digital Trading Journal) as we provide.

Our Mission


To empower and impact the world with this rare yet POWERFUL moneymaking skill set while also helping people to mentally and personally develop at the same time.

Our Visions


To be the world’s number one Trading Education platform for Time Exchange Trading.