MTM.U Meetup @ The New Black WallStreet Market
HEY MTM.U family, let's connect, have some fun, laugh, eat some great food and shop with some local businesses over at The New Black WallStreet Market located in Stonecrest GA. SEE YOU THERE!!!!!
HEY MTM.U family, let's connect, have some fun, laugh, eat some great food and shop with some local businesses over at The New Black WallStreet Market located in Stonecrest GA. SEE YOU THERE!!!!!
CALLING OUT ALL MY MTM.U MENTORS!!!!! Podcast day is coming SO BE READY to come & collab, have fun and enlighten the rest of the world about this wonderful space of Trading that we're in.
To my more than money trading University mentors let's have a day of fun, market analysis and brotherhood while in the charts and having a couple of laughs at Plywood people.