I remember back in the day when some of my elders used to say “y’all act like money just grows from trees” lol & I would always imagine a money tree and how joyful it would be to own one and to be able to just pluck money from it anytime you want lol. I mean we would all love to have such but it just really seems like the imagination of our childhood.
Then reality HITS that the only way you’re going to see money as an adult is probably from your biweekly check. Which sometimes isn’t enough for most and it’s never idealistically what you want it to look like. Well I’m here to tell you as an adult that trades on the foreign exchange market that we can have so much more in life. We don’t half to settle for that biweekly check that is enough for a lot of us. The money leaves from that money tree that we used to imagine now lives in a CASH POOL that we call THE MARKET/OUR BROKER ACCOUNT.
For me when I started trading and I saw how easy the money could be earned in such a small amount of time & withdrawn at your will I WAS WOW’d. I can’t lie I come from that conditioning that either your money is always gonna come from that biweekly check or some outside investments that take time to bring you back a return. So once I was opened up to this part of this new reality I WAS SOLD on continuously getting better and becoming a master at this so that I could start making larger sums of money that I could have quick access to.
So now I’m at a point where I don’t even trade daily I may only trade a few times a week to hit a desired mark. And now when I have the normal family expenses like groceries gas a bill something miscellaneous etc. Instead of me digging into my savings or into the check that I just received a couple of days ago like when I worked a job I just go to the market so that the market aka THE CASH POOL pays for that expense. I mean just think about it how convenient yet powerful is that.
I remember times in the past when I had a spontaneous expense to come out of nowhere I can’t lie another one of my top solutions would be to figure out how I can work some overtime to cover that. But overtime you find out that working all that overtime or digging into your savings & cutting into your biweekly check for an expense that was unexpected just makes no sense and it sets you back continuously. And it makes your money move like a rat in a rat wheel. So it’s key for us to find unconventional ways to have quick access to cash that’s not already in your possession and I’m here to tell you that mastering trading in the foreign exchange market can do just that for you like it did for me.