The greatest aspect of this trading journey that I’ve learned so far is the POWER of taking full control of my life & time. When most people think about trading they only think about the great money involved and TRUST ME WHEN YOU START COMMITTING YOURSELF TO THE PROCESS THERE’S ALOT OF GREAT MONEY IN TRADING!!!!!! But it wasn’t until I truly committed myself to the journey of trading that I realized that TIME IS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING we have so we must cherish every month every week every day every hour every minute with self & those who mean the most to us because the pandemic has taught us that tomorrow is not promised.
I’ve had so many conversations over the years with elder people who always put emphasis on spending as much time as you can with your children while they are young and the importance and value of time because before you know it ITS GONE & you can NEVER GAIN IT BACK. I reflect back from time to time on how I used to give 10 to 12 to some days even 18 hours a day of MY PRECIOUS LIFE to my past employer just to be underpaid undervalued and disrespected. I’m pretty sure a lot of you out there are dealing with that reality right now. But I’m here to tell you that there are better options in life.
Trading time exchange for example can create a completely different reality for your life and I am a living example of such. Unlike when I worked for TSA now I get to spend literally all day with what means the most to me, my family. It’s said statistically that most divorces here in America stem from financial strain but the next biggest cause for divorce is time spent. I mean literally if you sat down and calculated how much time you spend at work last year versus how much time you spent with your spouse or significant other last year it would really blow your mind if you value time and your relationship with your other half. We try to compensate for all the time lost with one or two vacations a year and the weekends and a couple of days off here and there. But the reality is with as much as we are bombarded with and time strapped for the little time we have a way from work just isn’t enough.
As an employee at my former job it truly limited the time that I was able to spend time and homeschool my children. If you have a family you know that over a long period of time if you work too much it’s going to affect your relationship & the time and effort that you can invest into your family. We also forget about the importance of having time for self. For example if you have a family ask yourself how many opportunities last year and for how many hours have you been able to create time for self…….
Remember giving time to our children and spouses is very important BUT creating and investing time for self is number one, WHY you ask…….. If your mental health, your peace and your physical health isn’t on point how could you be at your best to be able to give to your family…. Well that’s a lesson that I had to learn the hard way which ran me into a state of mental crash (as I explained in the previous blog)
So I want you guys to always keep in mind that we only have one life to live so ask yourself what are you giving your precious time to every day and is it really worth it and if you were on your dime bed would you be OK with admitting that you gave more than half of your life to ………….